Flexible Drainage Pipe Couplings

Flexible PVC Pipe Couplings are used for connecting Sewer & Drain and DWV Piping Systems to a variety of Piping Systems.

The product can be used for all types of in-house and sewer connections:

  • Drain
  • Waste
  • Vent piping
  • House-to-main
  • Repairs
  • Cut-ins
  • Conductor & roof drains
  • Increasers-reducers
  • Expansion joints.

Made of superior elastomeric (PVC) poly-vinyl chloride. They are resilient, highly recommended and unaffected by soil conditions. The dimensional flexibility of these couplings ensures leakproof seals on virtually any pipe material:

  • Plastic
  • Cast iron
  • Asbestos cement
  • Clay concrete
  • Steel
  • Fibre & ductile iron.

These transition couplings will meet your needs for your piping connections.

The High Performance Worm Drive clips are in Stainless Steel

Flexible Drainage Pipe Couplings
Stock Code: FER112112PP
Out of Stock
£3.80 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£3.74 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£10.73 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£4.67 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£8.21 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£5.82 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£7.52 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£7.56 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£9.42 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£7.45 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£5.94 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£22.43 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£14.94 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£20.02 (exc VAT) per EACH
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£20.86 (exc VAT) per EACH
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